New San Jose to Bejing Flights
San Jose Airport celebrated the first flight of Hainan Airlines from San Jose to Beijing. AVC Video is pleased to be chosen again to document an inaugural flight from San Jose Airport.
See more flights from San Jose
See our video with Richard Branson celebrating Virgin Airlines flying from San Jose
Here is an excerpt from San Jose Airport’s announcement:
Before the first flight departed today, inaugural ceremony remarks included those of Hainan Airlines Vice Chairman Mu Weigang, City of San José Mayor Sam Liccardo, Consul General of China in San Francisco Luo Linquan, San José Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Matthew Mahood, and City of San José Director of Aviation Kim Becker. Emceeing the event was Silicon Valley Leadership Group President and CEO Carl Guardino who broke an oversized fortune cookie and read a message to officially commemorate the launch of the new Beijing-Silicon Valley flight and to welcome Hainan to San José. Read more