Research on Video Viewed on Websites
Report on ReelSurfer study. Sent to us from ReelSEO
As many of you know, getting a large amount of views can be great, but it may not mean that you’re increasing sales or seeing any meaningful impact for your business through those views. ReelSurfer produced an infographic about the video marketing metrics that matter.
According to ReelSurfer, the average video pass through, the percentage of website visitors that view a video is 16.9%. You can compare your results with this average by dividing the number of page views by video views.
How long do they stay? According to ReelSurfer, it is only 15 seconds. You have a short time to grab their attention.
Click Through Rate: This is were video shines. While standard text web pages get a 0.10% click through rate, and pages with photos and other rich media get, 0.14%, the video click through rate is 0.62%, which is five times greater than other pages!