Video Length Study from Google
What is the optimal length for a video ad? This guest blog from Google shows a study they did. Here are some of the highlights.
Three video lengths were compared: 15 sec, 30 sec and 2 min.
The average length of ads on the YouTube Ads Leaderboard in 2014 averaged three minutes—an increase of 47% vs. 2013. And none of the top ads in 2014 and 2015 were under a minute.
The longer cuts were both watched more than the 15-second ad, with the 30-second ad the least skipped, and the 15-second ad the most skipped.
While all three versions performed well above Mondelez International benchmarks, the 30-second ad had the highest view-through rate (VTR). In fact, its VTR was 30% higher than that of the 15-second spot.