Smartphone Video Tips
Your smartphone may have HD video capabilities, but if the picture is shaky or the sound muffled, you’re not getting the best that it can do. Here are a few tips to give you more professional results:
Use a tripod and get a smartphone tripod adapter. Several are on the market. They cradle the phone and have a threaded hole on the bottom for the tripod to screw into. Some systems include a small tabletop tripod.
Plug an external microphone into the earphone jack. Yes, on some smartphones this connector doubles as a mike input. You can use a wireless microphone system, or a wired mike. Usually a small clip-on lavaliere mike can work best. Bluetooth wireless mikes are available, we use this Sony professional wireless mike system.
You can read more camcorder filming tips on our website, read Stu Sweetow’s Camcorder Magazine article on hand-holding your camera or call us for a consultation.