Video Without a Camera
By Stu Sweetow, Director, Audio Visual Consultants
Videos That Sizzle
Send us your photos, logo, and even your smartphone videos, and we transform them into what we call “sizzle videos.” See this recent production, a 60 second video for a San Francisco Bay Area media group
San Francisco Video Production pro, Mitch Silver, who has been on our staff for 16 years, produced this promotional video for 6:3 Media, without a camera! We used their photos, their logo and their video clips. He applied some engaging video special effects, music, motion graphics and his creative artistry.
Anita Ellen: Speaking Truth to Power
Produced by Stuart Sweetow for Oakland’s Kapor Center, this five-minute documentary introduces Anita Hill and Ellen Pao. Separated by time, but united in their common struggle for workplace equality, these courageous women influenced the conversation about gender bias and harassment.
Anita Hill testified at the Clarence Thomas Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings and Ellen Pao sued Kleiner Perkins for workplace discrimination.
San Francisco video producer and scriptwriter, Stu Sweetow, owner of Audio Visual Consultants, wrote the initial script. Then we collaborated with the client, who refined it so it would resonate with the audience. AVC’s video editor, Mitch Silver, compiled footage, created graphics and edited together this video.
Ellen Pao was the junior investing partner at Kleiner Perkins, a San Francisco venture capital firm. When she was passed over for a promotion to senior partner, she filed a lawsuit charging gender discrimination. That resulted in her being fired from the firm. She lost the case, but it became a rallying platform for other women in technical fields.
This film that Oakland video production company, Audio Visual Consultants, made for the Kapor Center, compares her ordeal with that of Anita Hill, 25 years earlier, who testified against Clarence Thomas, at his Senate Judiciary Committee hearings. Hill testified that Thomas made “unwelcome sexual comments” when the two had worked together.
The Kapor Center hosted a conversation with Anita Hill and Ellen Pao in San Francisco. Audio Visual Consultants’ short documentary film highlights the similarities between the two women’s experiences. It shows how Pao’s lawsuit inspired other women to take action against gender discrimination in the workplace.
Sizzle Videos
Here is an example of a “sizzle video” we made using news reviews and TV interviews. AVC’s video editor, Mitch Silver, add some tasteful video special effects.
Author and Motivational Speaker Saitia Faaif hired AVC Video to edit together a motivating video compilation, which highlights his latest book release, keynote speeches, and television, newspaper and magazine appearances.
Save the Date Sizzle Video
One of our best San Franciso Bay Area video clients is AAREA, the African American Regional Educational Alliances. Watch this short marketing video we made using their photos, video clips and music. Audio Visual Consultants video editing professional, Mitch Silver, worked with the client to craft a save-the-date promotional video.
This video highlights the client’s upcoming Professional Development Summit. We asked the seminar leaders to send us short videos, made with their smartphones or with Zoom. Working together with the client, we extracted their most impactful “sound bites,” and used motion graphics to display text of some of the significant phrases that they use to engage the viewers.