Active Shooter Training
Click the image above to view a short segment from a training video we filmed to instruct hospital personnel on emergency preparedness if there were an active shooter situation.
Several years ago we produced a disaster preparedness video for Kaiser Permanente. See it here.
According to the the US Department of Homeland Security, “active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene. Individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.”
The DHS offers a free booklet, ACTIVE SHOOTER–HOW TO RESPOND
According to the Tactical Training Academy, “all employees need training in de-escalating aggression and responding to violence.” They “recommend special teams receive training in search/seizure, threat assessment facilitation, investigation processes, use of force, and other workplace safety practices.” Click below to see their infographic on:
AEGIS is another security company that provides active shooter training, either online or in person. The 8-hour online course starts at $24.