Marketing Through Social Media
Audio Visual Consultants uses a variety of social media to distribute videos it produced. That’s one way we help clients disseminate their messages. Having its own website for over 10 years, AVC has developed systems for showing videos on websites and using them in emails.
AVC owner, Stuart Sweetow, recently had an article he wrote on Video SEO published in EventDV magazine. The article explains how video and other “engagement objects” help websites to appear on the first page in Google searches. The magazine has published other articles he wrote about using video online.
If you Google “Oakland Video Production ,” AVC comes up first or at least on the first page in search results. This high Google Page Rank is the result of posting videos, sharing links with other organizations, posting articles and instruction guides and offering other content and resources. AVC shares these techniques with its clients to help them distribute their videos.
Engagement Objects
One of the best ways to get higher Google PageRank is by using what Google calls engagement objects. These are interactive sections of websites where users click on something on the screen (an object) and interact with it (engagement). Examples of engagement objects are videos, photos, links to other pages, links to other websites, surveys and other forms.
YouTube and Viral Videos
YouTube is an excellent way to popularize a video. It is a fast and easy mechanism for distributing videos. Users can send links to their friends and colleagues. The links go to the web pages that have the videos. Users can post the video’s link on their own websites and blogs, and they can bookmark the page where a video resides. Once one person sends the video link to two or more people, and each of them sends it to others, it has the chance to go viral.
Facebook has proven to be an easy way to post videos and to notify friends of the video. It has a quick way to add links to the video, and the social network has developed a level of popularity that surpasses other social networking sites.
While you can’t post videos directly to Twitter, marketers use the social network to post a link to their videos in “tweets.” Twitter users click on that link which takes them to the website with the video. It is another way to bring traffic to your website, and Twitter followers who like your video can help it go viral by posting the link to the video in their tweets.
Video Blogs
Website users have been logging their activities and comments in blogs for years. Now video could be included in blogs, in much the same way as AVC does at their website at AVC embeds the video right into the blog posting so it starts playing right away. Blogs could also include a link to a video at another website, and are yet another way to help videos go viral.
When visitors to a website or to a web page like it and want to return, they can bookmark it as a favorite website. Some web users send their favorite bookmarks to their friends and colleagues. This is another way to increase Google Page Rank and help videos go viral.
The technology of social media is in a state of change. Nearly every day, more opportunities develop to use the Internet to distribute videos and increase website exposure. AVC includes news about these social media developments in its blog, on its Facebook fan page and on Twitter.
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