J. The Jewish news weekly of Northern California: 2008 Reader’s Choice 1st Place

J. The Jewish news weekly of Northern California


Thanks to technology, the past becomes alive through video. For events they want to remember forever, j. readers know the very best videographers to capture their special moments.

Steve Johnson in San Bruno sees video as a powerful tool to connect generations. “When you have a video,” Johnson says, “all spectrums of emotions come out.” Johnson has done video work primarily for Jewish events for the last 24 years, and says he truly loves his job.

Stu Sweetow, of Audio Visual Consultants in Oakland, began his career in videography with an award at his university’s film festival. For the past 25 years Sweetow has been devoted to creating both corporate and family videos. “We view videography not as taking pictures with camera, but as documenting family events and creating family history that can be used for years,” he says.

1st Place

East Bay

Stu Sweetow
Audio Visual Consultants
(510) 839-2020

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